Shell inequivalve, inequilateral (anterior dorsal margin often concave, posterior convex), often slightly bent posteriorly; two cardinal teeth on the hinge; ligament external.
Arcopagia T. Brown, 1827:Shell solid, often heavy, subcircular, inequivalve, almost equilateral. Sculpture made of concentric lamellae more or less visible. Hinge: two cardinal teeth on each valve; on the left valve: anterior tooth bifid, posterior simple; on the right valve: anterior simple, posterior bifid. |
Arcopella Thiele, 1934:« Shell fairly small and weak; anterior end only slightly longer than the posterior; lateral teeth fairly long, weak in the left valve. » – J. Thiele: Handbuch der systematischen Weichtierkunde vol.II(3), Jena 1934, p.914 (p.1384 in the Smithsonian edition). |
Asbjornsenia Friele, 1886:« Shell oval, inequilateral, the hinge faint; has, in the right-valve, a central cardinal tooth, and in the left-valve, a double one, at whose base a small indistinct secondary tooth is placed. » – H. Friele: “Zoologi, Mollusca II”, Den Norske Nordhavs-expedition, 1876-1878 Bd.3, Christiania 1886, p.36. |
Bosemprella Huber, Langleit & Kreipl, 2015:« Shells medium-sized (up to 50mm), thin, compressed, inequivalve with posterior part slightly skewed to the right, subtriangular with more or less evenly curved ventral margin. Beaks slightly behind the vertical midline. Surface nearly smooth. Ligament long, strong and somewhat sunken. » – von Cosel & Gofas: Marine Bivalves of tropical west Africa, IRD Éditions 2019, p.546. |
Fabulina Gray, 1851:Close to Macomangulus Nordsieck, but with diagonal striae on the right valve. Monotypic. |
Gastrana Schumacher, 1817:« Shell inequilateral, with convex, hardly gaping valves. Hinge: in the left valve two strong cardinal teeth, little protruding, with a large intermediate and smooth fossula. In the right valve a very strong, broad tooth, excavated in the middle, almost bilobed, compressed, obtuse; on each side a deep pit with callous edge. The cardinal margin slightly callous in the two valves. » – C. F. Schumacher: Essai d’un nouveau système des habitations des vers testacés, Copenghagen 1817, p.132. |
Macomangulus Nordsieck, 1969:shell thin, inequivalve, inequilateral, flattened; posterior and pallial margin rounded, anterior pointed. Right valve slightly larger than the left one. Sculpture of fine concentric lines. Hinge: two cardinal teeth, one anterior and one posterior lateral on the right valve; two cardinal teeth and one small posterior lateral on the left valve. |
Macomopsis Sacco, 1901:« Forms of somewhat mixed characters: reminiscent of Macoma (with which they were sometimes confused), instead closer to the Tellina (str. s.) Or Tellinella (to which they were attributed by some author recently), but also similar to Moerella… » – F. Sacco: I molluschi dei terreni terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria vol.XXIX, Torino 1901, p.107. Shell subtriangular, inequilateral; valves anteriorly truncated, somewhat convex; pallial margin rounded posteriorly, straight anteriorly; shell whitish with possible traces of colour around the umbones. |
Moerella P. Fischer, 1887:« Shell oblong, posterior end short and wedge-shaped. Hinge with two lateral teeth in one valve. » – H. & A. Adams: The genera of Recent Mollusca vol.II, London 1856, p.396 (about the subgenus Moera, synonym of Moerella). |
Nitidotellina Scarlato, 1965:Shell small, ovate, inequilateral, thin; anterior end rounded, posterior end more or less blunt and truncated, with two light angles; two cardinal teeth in each valve; laterals variable in number; pallial sinus deep. Sculpture made up of numerous thin commarginal striae. |
Oudardia Monterosato, 1884:« The generic character resides inside the valve, which show a calcareous ray that starts from the hinge and is located near the muscular impression of the front side. This character is observed, but less prevalent and not so linear, in the Tellinella pulchella and in the Peronaea nitida. The transverse striae of the upper valve and their direction have a similarity with those of the Solecurtus. Lateral teeth missing. » – T. A. di Monterosato: Nomenclatura generica e specifica di alcune conchiglie mediterranee, Palermo 1884, p.22. |
Peronaea Poli, 1791:« Shell oblong, thin, anterior side short, posterior elongated, sub-angular, with a slightly elevated marginal plicature; ligament in a long deep groove; lateral teeth obsolete, cardinal elongated, but not very prominent. » – F. Stoliczka: Cretaceous fauna of southern India vol.III, Calcutta 1871, p.119. |
Peronidia Dall, 1900:« Shell without laterals, having the internal characters of Angulus s. s. and the external appearance of Eurytellina. » – W. H. Dall: Contributions to the Tertiary fauna of Florida vol.III part5, Philadelphia 1900, p.1015. |
Serratina Pallary, 1920:Synonym Quadrans (Striotellina) Thiele, 1934, who writes: « Shell longish triangular, with dense concentric threads, which posteriorly become coarser and more irregular and at the edges of the depressed ligamental surface form irregular cusps; radial sculpture scarcely indicated; mantle sinus nearly reaching the anterior adductor muscle scar, in its posterior half separated from the mantle line by a very narrow interval. » – J. Thiele: Handbuch der systematischen Weichtierkunde vol.II(3), Jena 1934, p.919 (p.1389 in the Smithsonian edition). |