Pandora inaequivalvis (Linnaeus, 1758) |
British Isles to Canarias, to Mediterranean. On fine sediments, intertidal to 20m deep, in sheltered places. The shell morphology of the genus suggests an adaptation to streams. Original taxon: Solen inaequivalvis. 1m deep, in muddy sand, Golfe de Beauduc, Camargue, S. France. 31-37mm. |
Above and below: dredged in sand at 12m deep, Málaga, Andalucia, S pain. 29-31mm. Slender shapes. |
Syns: margaritacea and rostrata Lamarck, solenoidea Brown. A 28mm specimen with great margins. |
Dredged in sand at 12m, off Estepona, Málaga. 31mm. |
Estepona again. 26,6mm. |
Specimen from English Channel, close to the form named albida Röding, although it is not known whether “albida” represents a true species, or something else. Extreme low tide in sand, west of Les Ébihens island, Pointe du Chevet, St-Jacut de la Mer, N. Brittany, NW. France. 28mm. |
The species is constant in shape and sculpture. Top: extreme low tide, plage des Rosaires, bay of Saint-Brieuc, N. Brittany. 32-34-38mm. Bottom: beachstormed, Argelès-Plage, Eastern Pyrenees, S. France. 29-34mm. |
Buried in fine muddy intertidal sand, among holes of Ensis directus (Conrad, 1843), Pellinec Cove, Port-Blanc, N. Brittany. 25-26mm. |
« Tellina inaequivalvis : testa alba subargentea,altera valvula oblongo rostrata, convexa, altera plana. […] Testa longitudine pollicis transversi lactea, laevis, pellucida; sutura dorsalis recta excurrens in rostrum obtusum patulum. A natibus rostri inferiora angulus obliquus ut in Tellinis. […] Cardo dentibus duobus absque lateralibus. » – Chemnitz & Martini: Neues systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet, Nürnberg 1782, via BHL. |
The genus is also constant in shape and sculpture. Here, Pandora arcuata Sowerby 1835, dredged at 15-20m deep, off Guaymas, Soñora, W. Mexico. 39mm. |
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