« Shell without a perceptible epidermis; valves equal, free, widely gaping ventrally, smooth or variahly sculptured; adductor scars distant, oval, reduced ; pallial line simple; ligament usually ohsolete, resilium internal, suh-umhonal or oblique, attached to an excavated chondrophore in each valve; hinge-plate hardly developed; laterals ohscure or ahsent; one or two cardinal teeth in each valve or none. » – K. A. von Zittel (C. R. Eastman transl.): “Die Familie Gastrochaenidae”, Text-book of paleontology vol.I, London 1913, p.488. |
Galeomma Turton, 1825:« Shell bivalve, equivalve, equilateral, transverse; with a large oval gape at the front margin. Hinge without teeth. Ligament internal. » – W. Turton: “Description of some new British shells”, Zoological Journal vol.II, London 1826, p.365. In fact, the genus is not always equilateral. |
Nudiscintilla Lützen & Nielsen, 2005:Shell minute to small, subovate, thin. Hinge with a single low cardinal tooh; no lateral teeth. Derivatio nominis: after the latin nudus, a, um, because the mantle folds are devoid of tentacles (except one) or papillae. The genus is, at this time, monotypic. |