(?)Crinophtheiros comatulicola (Graff, 1875) |
The species comatulicola lives in W. Mediterranean and Adriatic. Ectoparasite of the crinoid Antedon mediterranea (Lamarck, 1816), the “comátula” of the Spanish, which lives from 10 to at least 80m deep, it is close to junii (de Folin, 1884) to which it differs by a protoconch of about 3 whorls, instead of 2 for junii (Bouchet & Warén, 1986). Also, junii has been found in much deeper waters (Azores: 1257m in de Folin). Original taxon: Stylina comatulicola. Synonym: beryllina Monterosato. Above and below: 55m deep, Ognina, Catania, E. Sicily. 3,75mm. |
Protoconch of about 2 whorls only – hence the (?) sign before the taxon on the title of this page. Two solutions: junii and comatulicola have the same number of protoconch whorls, and the difference given by Bouchet & Warén is false; or the difference in numbers of proto whorls is true, and this is another species of Crinophtheiros. Notice how the labial scars are not exactly aligned as they must be in Vitreolina. However, this shell is close to that of the specimen of V. antiflexa that is pictured on this website. Actually, species of Eulimidae are difficult to identify without doubt by the shell only. |
Same spot. 3,75mm. |
36m deep, San Giovanni Li Cuti, Catania. 3,8mm. |
The labial scars on this specimen. |
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