Vitreolina antiflexa (Monterosato, 1884)
Netherland & English Channel to Mediterranean.
Ectoparasite on some ophiurids in the infralittoral and the circalittoral. Original taxon: Eulima antiflexa.
« …arcuata dal lato buccale. » (Monterosato). Differs from incurva by its thinner spire (« contour very thin, very slender »Locard) and a more droplet-shaped, less elliptic aperture.

Shell grit, in the little cove at the foot of the Phare de la Couronne, Pointe de la Couronne, south of Martigues, Provence, S. France. 3,7mm. E. Vial legit (FR).
70m deep, Golfo di Carini, west of Palermo, NW. Sicily. 2,5mm. Original pictures provided by L. A. del Blanco (IT).

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