Charonia seguenzae
(Aradas & Benoit, 1872)
Adriatic, Eastern Mediterranean. Lives on sandy bottoms, in meadows and in the reef, from shallow water down to circa 20m deep. Predator on many echinoderms (mostly holoturians and sea-stars). Original taxon: Tritonium seguenzae. The shell of this species is morphologically close to those of the indo-pacific Ch. tritonis (Linnaeus, 1758) and of the atlantic Ch. variegata (Lamarck, 1816). Above: a young adult from shallow water, Symi island, Dodecanese, SE. Aegean. 203mm.
The spire is slightly more elongate than in the atlantic variegata. 1m deep, on rock, southeastern coast of Spinalonga peninsula, in a cove facing Kolokitha island, Elounda, NW. of Kolpos Mirambellou, Lasithi, N. Crete. 230mm.
Triton seguenzae in W. Kobelt: Iconographie der schalentragenden europäischen Meeresconchylien vol II, Cassel 1901, plates XXXV & XXXVII.
Found feeding on holoturian, at 8m deep, daytime, on gravel and little stones under rock ledge, south coast of Spinalonga peninsula, 800m east of Elounda channel. 257mm.
Tentacles variegated yellow and black.
In shallow water, south of the ruins of Tavşan Adası, Gümüşlük, Bodrum district, Muğla Province, SW. Turkey.
Original picture provided by levend for iNaturalist.
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Triton-shaped rhyton (bottom-drilled ceremony vase) from Palaikastro minoan town, eastern Crete, 1500-1450 BC.
Heraklion Archaeological Museum.
Specimen on the hunt, rocky shore north of Chrisí Aktí beach, west of Chaniá, NW. Crete. Original picture provided by mikkel65 for – (CC BY-NC).
A large specimen caught in nets in the 1980’s around Lastovo island, Dubrovnik-Neretva Comitat, S. Croatia. Size about 330mm. Original pictures provided by N. Lete (HR).
Rare painting of a Charonia seguenzae in an illumination of an antiphonal from the XVth century. Franciscan Monastery of Dubrovnik, S. Croatia. The dense pattern of comma-shaped blotches is typical.
A trailblazer from the extreme frontier in the west.
25-30m deep, under the ledge of a large rock, Malta.
Original pictures provided by R. Shead (MT).

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