Bythinella navacellensis Prié & Bichain, 2009 |
Known distribution: southern Larzac and Blandas. Also a spot near Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert, western bank of Hérault river. Strictly stygobiont. Has not been found alive in hyporrheic areas. Above and below: specimens collected in the type-locality. Live ones are fished in shallow water, in streams and puddles in the active galleries, while the dead shells are collected in the bottoms of the streams and siphons, at depths ranging from 1 to 22m. Grotte de la Folatière, Gard. 2,3mm. Altitude of the porch ≈ 340m. |
Deep umbilicus. Some collabral grooves, ancient labial thickenings, testify to a temporary halt in growth. This feature is common in some marine gastropods, but is rarely shared among the genus Bythinella, especially in such a marked way. 2,2-2,3mm. |
Le Cabrier karst spring, on the western bank of Hérault river, north of Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert. Altitude ≈ 80m. Specimens collected in sediments. 2,3-2,5mm. |
Same spot. Young adult. 2mm. |
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