Antalis agilis (Sars M. in G.O. Sars, 1872) |
Iceland and Norway to Ascension Island. Azores to Central Mediterranean. Maine to Florida, Antilles. On sediments, from sublittoral to bathyal depths. Original taxon: Dentalium agile. Synonyms: calabrum, fusticulus, vagina… 500m deep, off Toscana, W. Italy. 39mm. |
Dentalium agile by M. Sars in G. O. Sars: On some
remarkable forms of animal life from the great deeps off the Norwegian coast, Oslo 1872-1875. « Testa teres, valde angusta, parum arcuata interdum fere recta; posteriora versus in tota longitudine aequaliter attenuata, albida sub-opaca
parum nitida; posteriore parte saepius obscurior, apice tenuissimo oblique truncato rimato et tubulo ornato supplementario parum prominente. Superficies testae plerumque laevis striis
modo iucrumenti circularibus obducta, rarior in posteriore parte longitudinaliter striata, striis vero parum distinctis et vix costellarum instar prominentibus. »
7. The extremity of a specimen viewed from below, showing the peculiarly ramified tubes on the surface (extraneous parasitical body) and the terminal aperture
with the protruding supplementary tube.
8. The same part seen from the left side. 10. A living specimen seen from the right side, with extended foot and captacula.
11. The anterior extremity of the shell, with the part of the mantle extended beyond the aperture, the foot and the captacula; more strongly magnified. 14. A particularly small specimen, showing the smooth embryonic shell corrugated transversely. 15. The extremity of the same viewed from above, more strongly magnified. |
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