Thracia corbuloidea Blainville, 1827
Azores to Mediterranean, to Canarias.
Usual synonym: Thracia corbuloides Deshayes 1830 (refering to Blainville’s work) with a possible confusion due to similarity betwen the letters a and s in old fonts. – 12m deep, on sand, Oraioi, NW. Évvia island, E. Greece. 47mm.
The original description consists in a single drawing associated with a nommen nudum, in H.-M. D. de Blainville: Manuel de malacologie et de conchyliologie, Paris 1825-1827. The name was provided in the text printed in 1825 p. 565, whereas the figure was given in 1827, plate LXXVI.
Évvia island. 36mm.
Original picture provided by P. Ovalis (GR).
Compared to Thracia pubescens, whose shell reaches the same sizes, corbuloidea has stockier and more convex valves, with two posterior keels instead of one in pubescens.

10m deep, Duilovo Beach, Split, Croatia. 57mm.
Original picture provided by N. Lete (HR).
Huge specimen, close to the WRS, from 6m deep, Brač island, Split-Dalmatia Comitat, S. Croatia. 72,6mm. Original picture provided by D. Šindrbálová (CZ).

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