Spisula solida (Linnaeus, 1758) |
Iceland & Norway to Morocco, Madeira to W. Alborán. On sand or grit, sometimes with a small part of silt, chiefly in the first meters of depth, down to 50m deep in the north, 160m deep in the south (DORIS). Original taxon: Cardium solidum. Synonyms: ovalis, striata, truncata… Trawled at 20-30m deep, Málaga, Andalucia, S. Spain. 35mm. |
Mactra solida in Forbes & Hanley: A history of British Mollusca and their shells vol. IV, London 1853, via BHL. |
Shell representing in form an isoceles triangle, convex, usually solid and thick, opaque, somewhat but not very glossy […] Numerous slight and irregular concentric striae, which often become laminar and almost rib-like in front and at the sides, and always at the dorsal margin ; lines of growth strongly marked. […] Habitat: in gravelly sand, at low tides and at the depth usually of only a few fathoms. – J. G. Jeffreys: British conchology vol. II, London 1863, via BHL. Specimens from English Channel, collected on intertidal coarse sand, 150m off the pool, Bon Secours Beach, Saint-Malo, N. Brittany, NW. France. 32-34mm. |
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