Solemya togata (Poli, 1791)
Iceland to Angola, Madeira to Mediterranean (rare). In sand, from shallow water down to continental shelf.
Original taxon: Tellina togata.
Synonyms: lamarcki, mediterranea, polianus, prunneri, solen.
Beachstormed. At low tide, on sand, Elafonissi channel, Kissamos, SW. Crete. 40-50mm.
Solenomya mediterranea in R. A. Philippi: Enumeratio molluscorum Siciliae, via BHL.
« Tellina togata: testa ovata, ventricosa, in longum radiata ; epidermate spisso, nitidoque, extra marginem circumundique prominente, obducta. » – G. Poli: Testacea utriusque Siciliae vol. II, Parma 1795, via BHL.
Solemya Mediterranea in G. P. Deshayes: “Histoire naturelle des mollusques”, Atlas, Exploration scientifique de l’Algérie, Paris 1844-1867, via BHL.
a: hinge — b: ligament — c: posterior extremity — d: anterior extremity — e: anterior muscle scar — f: posterior muscle scar — g: cup — h: mantle print — i: periostracum extending beyond the shell.
Solemya togata in R. Tate: A manual of the Mollusca, 4th. edition, London 1880, via BHL.
Tate gives the decription of the genus, p. 429: « Shell elongated, cylindrical, gaping at each end ; epidermis dark, horny, extending beyond the margins ; umbones posterior ; hinge edentulous ; ligament concealed ; pallial line obscure. Outer layer of long prismatic cells, nearly parallel with the surface, and mingled with dark cells, as in Pinna ; inner layer also cellular. »
Solenimya togata in G. B. Sowerby: A conchological manual, 3rd. edition, London 1846, plate of the figures 60 to 78.
10-12m deep, on sand, Maro area, east of Málaga, Andalucia, S. Spain. 36mm.

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