Scrobicularia plana (da Costa, 1778) |
Norway & Baltic to Sénégal, Canarias to Mediterranean.
Burrowed « in estuaries and very sheltered bays, in mud on all coasts […] Clay or mud with abundant detritus. »
(MBSBI). Euryhaline and eurytherm. Intertidal to about 30m deep. Original taxon:
Trigonella plana. Synonyms: callosus, orbiculata, piperata, truncata… Thick and heavy: beach drift, Cagliari, S. Sardinia. 41mm. |
Thin and lightweight specimens from English Channel. At extreme low tide, on muddy sand, Pointe du Chevet, Saint-Jacut de la Mer, N. Brittany, NW. France. 36-40mm. |
« This species is very thin, semitransparent and brittle ; of a somewhat triangular shape ;
greatly depressed, or flat, for the valves are extremely shallow ; of the size of an apricot, or about one and a half inch long, and near two inches broad. The sides are nearly equal.
[…] The beaks are level with the commissure, very small, pointed, and central ; and the margins are plain. […] The hinge […] consists of two minute thin
plate-like parallel teeth, aside of which is a large triangular cavity, and has no teeth. » – E. M. da Costa: Historia naturalis testaceorum Britanniae,
London 1778, via BHL. |
Scrobicularia plana in E. Lamy: “Révision des Scrobiculariidae vivants du Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Paris”, Journal de conchyliologie, series IV vol. XV, Paris 1913. |
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