Saccella commutata (Philippi, 1844) |
Galicia to Angola, Mediterranean. Locally abundant. « Salas (1996) gives a depth range of 18-544m » (MBSBI). Original taxon: Nucula commutata. Trawled at 150m deep, off Málaga, Andalucia, S. Spain. 8mm. |
Synonyms: acuminata, deltoideus, fragilis, minuta… 45m deep, Cannizzaro, Catania, E. Sicily. 6,7mm. |
« Nucula minuta Brocchi (Enum. II, p. 46):
must be moved to Nucula commutata Ph. — Testa ovata, gibba, antice rotundata, postice in rostrum acutum producta, transversim striato-rugosa; area oblonga carinis elevatis lamellosis cincta; carina altera in latere antico saepe obsoleta; margine intergerrimo. » – R. A. Philippi: “Nachtrag zum zweiten Bande der Enumeratio Molluscorum Siciliae”, Zeitschrift für Malakozoologie, Hannover (Jahrgang 1844), via BHL. Explanation: in the Zeitschrift, Philippi gives again his description, previously published in the Enumeratio, of Brocchi’s minuta (vol. II p. 46), itself synonym of Lamarck’s striata (vol. I p. 64), which refers to a fossil described there… Above and below: 110m deep, off Motril, Granada, Andalucia. 4-7mm. |
Bottom: small gravels covered with valves and other debris. |
Juvenile from shallow sands, Port-la-Nouvelle, Aude, Occitania, S. France. 1mm. |
17m deep, Prokljan marine lake, Šibenik-Knin Comitat, W. Croatia. Despite the shape and the number of folds that could lead us to erroneously identify them as valves of illirica, as the only species of Saccella that lives in such shallow waters is commutata, I consider these specimens as belonging to this species. The low number of teeth confirms this identification. 2,1-2,6mm. |
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