Ruditapes philippinarum (Adams & Reeve, 1850) |
W. Bering to SE. Asia, to California, Hawaii. N. Atlantic to Caribbean, to Mediterranean. Also South Africa. Suspension feeder in soft sediments, from intertidal down to 20m deep. Original taxon: Venus philippinarum. Above: live specimen in a fish market of Oakland, Alameda County, California. Notice the coloured siphons; they are whitish in decussatus. Original picture provided by T. Iwane for iNaturalist – (CC BY-NC). |
Shell rounded, more globose than decussatus, thicker, heavier; sculpture made up of less numerous and more marked radial striae, crossed by fewer concentric ribs; pallial sinus less deep, and rounder. – Above: a specimen with the siphons retracted, from Port-leucate, Occitania, S. France. Original picture provided by A. Bertrand (FR) – (CC BY-NC-SA). |
Synonyms: indica, japonica, semidecussatus, tessellata… Specimen from eastern Siberia: at low tide, on muddy sand, Aniwa bay, S. Sakhalin. 37mm. |
Pair dredged at 5-8m deep on mud, Gulf of Morbihan, S. Brittany, NW. France. 50-51mm. |
Same spot, 74mm. |
In sand at low tide near the Roc'h Vran, off the dunes of Ker Emma, Plouescat, NW. Brittany. 56mm. |
At low tide, on muddy sand, Cheirrueix, Mount Saint-Michael Bay, NE. Brittany. 60mm. |
Intertidal on sand, 100m off the pool, Bon Secours beach, Saint-Malo, N. Brittany. 31-36mm. |
On shallow sand, Nordkoster, Koster Islands, Strömstad, Västra Gätaland, SW. Sweden. 33,5mm. |
Venus philippinarum and Venus tessellata in Adams & Reeve: Voyage of H.M.S. Samarang, London 1850, via BHL. « Venus philippinarum: Pl. XXII. Fig. 10. — Testâ oblongo-ovatâ, anticè truncatâ, fulvâ, fusco variegatâ, obscurè radiatâ, radiatim liratâ, liris numerosis, subundatis, ad latera decussatim nodulosis ; intus partim violaceâ. » « Venus tessellata: Pl. XXII. Fig. 11. — Testâ oblongo-ovatâ, anticè truncatâ, crassiusculâ, fusco alboque strigatâ et tessellatâ, radiatim multiliratâ, transversim tenuissimè striatâ, lunulâ lanceolato-ovatâ. » |
The hinge in the genus Ruditapes. Saint-Quay-Portrieux, N. Brittany. 58mm. |
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