Pseudamussium peslutrae (Linnaeus, 1771)
Iceland & N. Norway to W. Africa, Canarias, Baltic, Madeira to W. Mediterranean. « Free living on muddy mixed sediments at shelf to upper slope depths » (MBSBI).

Original taxon: Ostrea peslutrae.
Above and below: trawled off Melilla Spanish territory, NE. Morocco. 36mm.
Synonyms: aspersus, danica, hybrida, nebulosus, septemradiatum, stellatus
Dredged off Islas Chafarinas, NE. Morocco. 47mm.
Patterned shell from North Sea.
Trawled in the Devil’s Hole trenches, 200km east of Dundee, NE. Scotland. 32mm.
« Empty valves of this species were found at Station 10 in 220 fathoms, and Station 149 in 149 fathoms.
Pecten septemradiatus is common all along the Norwegian coast up to the Varanger Fjord. The southern limit of the species is at the Canaries isles and the northwest coast of Africa. Its bathymetrical distribution is from 30 to 1066 fathoms. It is found as fossil in Scandinavia and the British Isles. » –  G. O. Sars in The norwegian north-Atlantic expedition 1876—1878 seventh volume, via BHL.
« Pecten danicus: a compressed, somewhat equilateral species. The general surface is smooth, obsoletely striated, with seven very slightly raised angular ribs, which are fainter near the margins. The colour is pale red, sprinkled with minute irregular spots of darker red. A variety occurs of a dull brown colour. » – G. B. Sowerby: Thesaurus conchyliorum vol. I & plates xii(fig.16) & xviii(fig.187 – and not xvii as writen in the text), London 1847, via BHL.

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