Procardium indicum (Lamarck, 1819) |
Gabon to Western Sahara, to Maghreb. Filter feeder in the lower infralittoral, the circalittoral and the continental shelf. The species needs warm waters. Scarcely found in Gabon, it is less rare between the Biafra Bight and the Sénégal, but becomes again uncommon to rare around the Western Sahara and the atlantic Morocco, and very rare in Mediterranean, where it occurs in scattered spots along the coasts of Maghreb, between Melilla and the Gulf of Gabès. The current global warming should promote its establishment in North Africa. – Above: a specimen caught at 120m deep, off Melilla spanish enclave, Oriental Region, N. Morocco. 76mm. Original pictures provided by A. Nappo (IT). – (CC BY-NC-SA) – |
Synonym: delpeutum McGill. Shell « almost equilateral, relatively thin, inflated, moderately gaping posteriorly. […] Anterior and ventral margins rounded, posterior margin truncated and nearly straight. Shell bearing 20-24 primary radial ribs, on anterior half each interspace with a rather well defined, thin secondary riblet. Median primary ribs weakly delimited, rather broad, low rounded to weakly triangular and about as wide as interspaces. Anterior ribs prominent with roof tile-shaped, ventrally hollow scales, placed on rib top. Cross section of anterior and median ribs trapezium-shaped, with a radial groove on the rib tops. Ribs on postero-medial slope asymmetrical in cross-section, ultimately flattened posteriorly, with sculpture on posterior rib flanks gradually developing into close-set, pointed, posteriorly directed spines. Rib impressions clearly visible from within. Hinge plate rather narrow and slightly sinuous, hinge angle very large. Hinge and ligament: as for genus. Lunule not well defined, dorsal margin slightly raised anterior of umbo. Exterior colour dirty white, with commarginally arranged brownish areas, posteriorly pink or purple, except for white spines. Rusty brown deposit present on interspaces of postero-medial part. Interior colour white with traces of cream, posterior margin purple. » – ter Poorten & La Perna: “The West African enigma: Systematics, evolution, and palaeobiogeography of cardiid bivalve Procardium”, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica vol. 62(4), Warszawa 2017, p. 733. A specimen from Dakar Bay, Sénégal. 85mm. |
A spanish specimen in Franck Swinnen’s collection. Original pictures provided by F. Swinnen (BE). – (CC BY-NC-SA) – |
120-150m deep, Oran, NW. Algeria. 87,8mm. Original pictures provided by A. Nappo (IT). – (CC BY-NC-SA) – |
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