Parvicardium scabrum (Philippi, 1844)
Svalbard to Mediterranean.
Filter feeder in the infralittoral down to the continental shelf.
« Shell hardly half an inch long, and a very little more in breadth, brown or whitish, very slightly angular at the anterior side, with about 26 close-set rounded ribs thickly clothed with obtuse round tubercles, which on the anterior side project into very short spines; beaks central; inside white, with generally a chesnut stripe on the anterior side of the hinge reaching half way down the shell; the margin strongly serrate. » – W. Turton: Conchylia insularum Britannicarum, London 1822, p.186.

80m deep, in coralligene, Gibraltar Strait. 6mm.
Synonym roseum Lamarck (not Gmelin) who writes: « Shell minute, heart-shaped, thin, pink-white in colour; costae large and tight, convex, transversely scratched. »Hist. Nat. des animaux sans vertèbres vol. VI part.1, Paris 1819, page 14.
Atlantic variant “rosea” Lamarck, from subtidal detritic, Bon Secours beach, Saint-Malo, N. Brittany, NW. France. 6,5mm.
Detail of the « obtuse round tubercles » seen by Turton.
Free valves from sediments collected at 55m deep, Ognina area, Catania, E. Sicily. Sizes circa 5,5mm.

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