Mysia undata (Pennant, 1777)
Norway & Baltic to Canarias, to Mediterranean. Subtidal to continental shelf, in various sediments with a part of mud.
Original taxon: Venus undata.
Riccione, Rimini, Emilia-Romagna, NE. Italy. 15mm.
Synonyms: caduca, corrugata, incompta, sinuosa.
On mud at 150m deep, Málaga, Andalucia, S. Spain, 26mm.
« Venus undata : Venus with thin convex orbiculated shells, of a white color, tinged with yellow, and marked with thin concentric striae ; waved at the edges. Size of a hazel nut. » – T. Pennant: British zoology vol. IV, London 1777, via BHL.
« …waved at the edges… »
150-180m deep, Málaga. 30mm.
Original pictures provided by I. Mulero (ES).
The species in E. Donovan: The natural history of British shells, vol. IV, London 1802, plate CXXI.
« Shell orbiculated, convex, thin, transversely marked with very fine striae, and waved at the margin. »
The animal in Forbes & Hanley: A history of British Mollusca and their shells vol. I, London 1853, plate M.
Beachstormed juvenile at Leucate, Occitania, S. France. 2mm.
Original pictures provided by A. Bertrand (FR).
Specimens from Irish Sea.
At low tide on sand, Shell Island Peninsula, Llandberd, Gwynedd county, Wales. 21,5-25mm.
Specimen from Kattegat.
At low tide on beach, Hulsig Strand, Ålbaek Bugt, Frederikshavn, Nordjylland, E. Denmark. 26,5mm.

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