Musculus subpictus (Cantraine, 1835) |
Norway & Baltic to Angola, Canarias to Mediterranean. Intertidal to upper shelf, attached on hard substrate or holdfasts of large algae, as well as nested in Ascidiacea. Original taxon: Modiolus subpictus. 12m deep, in rubble, Málaga, Andalucia, S. Spain. 11mm. |
Synonyms: europea, marmoratus, tumida… In octopus catchpot, Calpé, NE. of Benidorm, Alacant, Andalucia. 10-15mm. |
4 specimens from English Channel. Attached in valves of dead Mytilus edulis, dredged on muddy bottom at 6-8m deep, in the bay of Mount St-Michael, NW. France. 8-10,5mm. (Le Vivier-sur-Mer). |
Testa transversim, elongata, cylindrica, fragili, nitida, viridescente lineolis ferrugineis variegata, antice convexiuscula subrecta, postice subangulata. – F. J. Cantraine: “Diagnoses de quelques espèces nouvelles de mollusques”, Bull. Acad. Roy. Sciences vol. XI, Bruxelles 1835, via BHL. This description does not give the main distinctive feature: the radial sculpture that covers the whole shell, except a large band in the middle of each valve. La Conque, Cap d’Agde, Hérault, Occitania, S. France. 15mm. |
Modiolaria subpicta illustrated in H. Küster: “Die Familie der Mytilidae”, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet Bd8.Abt3, Nürnberg 1889, via BHL. |
Modiolaria marmorata in Meyer & Möbius: Fauna der Kieler bucht vol. 2, Leipzig 1872, figures 10-11. « The front section of the shell has 16 to 17 ribs, the rear 24 to 28. […] The growth striae are regular and fine. When they cross the radial stripes, the surface appears finely latticed. Colour: green-yellow, with red-brown zigzag spots. The lighter triangles, which enclose these zigzags, point their tips radiantly against the ventral margin of the valve. Cuticle light green; when it is replaced by potash, the shell appears white with yellow-brown zigzag stripes. » – op. cit. p.83. |
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