(?)Mercenaria mercenaria (Linnaeus, 1758) |
NE. America to Mexico, California, NW. Europa. Statements of captures in Alborán Sea are doubtful. The species lives deeply burrowed in silty sediments, from subtidal level down to 10-15m deep, often in estuaries. Original taxon: Venus mercenaria. above, a shell from English Channel, collected off Granville, Cotentin, NW. France. 90mm. |
Synonyms: cancellata, fulgurans, kennicotti, rutila… Specimens from both sides of the northern Atlantic are similar by the size, the weight, the sculpture and the colour. Shallow water, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon. 73-75mm. |
A synonym is notata Say, 1822. Intertidal, Cocoa Beach, Brevard County, Florida. 40,5mm. Specimens from southern waters look different: smaller size, thinner sculpture, brighter colours, some pattern, no perio. |
Above and below: a specimen, said to come from Alborán Sea. « 20m deep, in sand, Málaga bay, Andalucia, S. Spain. » 42mm. A possible location could be, in this area, near the mouth of the Guadalhorce, with its small lagunar system. |
Detail of the prodissoconch and dissoconch. The American Northern Quahog was imported in western Europe during the XIXth century, for conchyliculture. |
There are impotant differences of size, pattern and roughness between the tropical and northern variants of this species. Mont-Saint-Michel Bay, NE. Brittany, NW. France. 85mm. |
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