Laevicardium oblongum (Gmelin, 1791) |
N. Spain to Canarias, into the Mediterranean. Original taxon: Cardium oblongum. 20m deep, on sandy bottom, Águilas, Murcia, S. Spain. 76mm. |
The hinge, with the conspicuous laterals. |
Laevicardium oblongum in J. C. Chenu: Manuel de conchyliologie, tome II p. 110, Paris 1862, via BHL. |
Synonyms: obsoletum Spengler, sulcatum Lamarck. Trawled at 50m deep, off Fiumicino, Lazio, W. Italy. 74mm. |
Cardium oblongum in T. Brown: Illustr. Recent Conchology of Great Britain and Ireland, London 1844, via BHL. « Shell elongated, oval, oblique, considerably inflated ; beaks small ; with numerous, flat, narrow ribs, crossed by indistinct lines of growth ; colour pale flesh, or reddish-buff, covered by an olive or yellowish-brown epidermis ; inside glossy, white, flesh-coloured, or pale lilac, crenulated at the margins, with the ribs extending nearly half way from the base. […] This shell will be easily distinguished from the C. laevigatum, by its more lengthened form ; being more oblique, considerably more inflated, and in the ribs more numerous. » |
30-50m deep, Estepona, Málaga, Andalucia, S. Spain. 72mm. |
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