Kurtiella tumidula (Jeffreys, 1866)
Northern Norway (extant) to Mediterranean (possibly only extinct), on the continental shelf and slope.
Maybe amphiatlantic.
Original taxon: Montacuta tumidula.
Above and below: 500m deep, off Dubrovnik, S. Croatia. 1,35mm. Original pictures provided by R. Stanić (HR).
« Shell up to ca. 2.6mm in length with mean l/h ratio ca. 1.4; beaks situated towards the posterior ¼, definitely opisthocline. Prodissoconch 360µm in diameter, with distinct, elongate prodissoconch 1 and prodissoconch 2 with definite growth lines. Dissoconch with sculpture of fine commarginal lines and with periostracum forming a few, widely separated radial threads. Anterior part of cardinal platform slightly bent upwards, nearly horizontal; posterior part short, straight and sloping. Lateral teeth well marked, broadly diverging ca. 110° on right valve, narrow and elongate but definite, diverging ca. 130° on left valve. Shell colour brown on prodissoconch, whitish on dissoconch, with yellowish periostracum. » – Gofas & Salas: “A review of European ‘Mysella’ species”, Journal of Molluscan Studies vol. 74(2), Oxford 2008, p. 131.

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