Gari fervensis (Gmelin, 1791)
Iceland to Norway, to Barents Sea, to Angola. Azores to Mediterranean. In silty sand or thin gravel, from lower intertidal to 100m deep; rare deeper. Deposit feeder.
Original taxon: Tellina fervensis.
This is the « Faeroe Sunset Clam ».
30m deep, in sand, Málaga, Andalucia, S. Spain. 24mm.
More slender than intermedia, with a stronger sculpture than depressa. Varies in shape and colours.
An other shell from Málaga. 34mm.
Synonyms: ferroeensis, faeroensis, trifasciata
Trawled at 45m deep, in mud, off Barcelona, Catalunya, NE. Spain. 17mm.
Two specimens found on northern sand bank of the Grau de la Vieille Nouvelle, Gruissan, Occitania, S. France. 29-41mm.
The word “grau” comes from latin gradus – river mouth – and “nouvelle” from navaculum, the harbour.
Psammobia Ferroensis Chemnitz, pictured in Forbes & Hanley: Brit. Mollusca vol. IV plate XIX, London 1853, via BHL.
« With raised concentric striae, which are decussated behind by a few elevated radiating lines. […] When fresh taken it is usually covered with a dull ashy olive-coloured epidermis, beneath which the surface, which possesses but little if any lustre, is either rayed with madder-lake and white, (the preponderance of colour varying with the individual) or marbled in a linear fashion, with the former, on a whitish or pale-coloured ground. It is closely striated for its entire length with raised concentric lines, which not unfrequently at their posterior termination dentate the hinder dorsal edge. These striae are decussated beyond the umbonal ridge, which is indicated by a sharp elevated line, by a few fine radiating ones, which in the adult, however, do not quite proceed to the extremity of the shell. » Etc.
Baby from La Franqui, Leucate, Occitania. 6,8mm.
Original picture provided by A. Bertrand (FR).
Psammobia Ferroensis in G.B. Sowerby: Illustrated index of British shells London 1859, plate III.
« Oblong, keeled and angulated behind. »
5m deep, Brela, Makarska coast, S. Croatia. 38mm.
Original pictures provided by N. Lete (HR).

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