Donax semistriatus Poli, 1795 |
Cantabrian Sea to W. Sahara, Mediterranean. Fine sand in shallow water. Deposit feeder. A specimen at Crotone, Calabria, S. Italy. Original picture provided by frahome for iNaturalist – (CC BY-NC). |
Synonyms: fabagella Lamarck, trifasciatus Risso... Shallow water, on sand, Cavallino, Venezia, Italy. 30mm. |
Shells from Caorle, in the same area. 16-18mm. |
Donax semistriatus in E. Römer: “Die Familie der Donacidae”, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet Bd.10:Abt.3 “Tellmuscheln” plate 7, Nürnberg 1869, via BHL. |
Specimen from near Atlantic. In surf zone, Tan Tan beach (El Ouatia), Tan Tan, Guelmin-Es Smara, SW. Morocco. 23mm. |
An other specimen from the south: collected at 2m deep, on sand, El-Aargub, near Dakhla, Oued Ed-Dahab-Lagouira, Western Sahara. 21mm. |
The transition between sculptured and smooth parts often takes place upon a pale ray. 2-3m deep, in sand, Castellaneta Marina, Taranto, Puglia, Italy. 25-25,5mm. |
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