Digitaria digitaria (Linnaeus, 1758)
Cantabrian Sea to Guinea, Mediterranean. Intertidal to at least circalittoral, in soft bottoms. Original taxon: Tellina digitaria.
30m deep, Cabo de Palos, Murcia, S. Spain. 10mm.
Synonyms: cancellata, curviradiata, digitalis, excentrica
2m deep, Algeciras, S. Cádiz, Andalucia, S. Spain. 5mm.
Tellina digitaria.
Top, fig. 121: in Martini, Chemnitz & al.: Neues systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet 6 Bd, Nürnberg 1782.
Bottom, fig. 9-11: in L. Pfeiffer: “Die Chemnitz’schen Lucinen, Galateen un Corbis”, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet Bd.11:Abt.1, Nürnberg 1769.
« Lucina digitaria. Sub-globular ; surface surrounded with uniform striae, which incline obliquely towards the outer margin, like the lines at the ends of the fingers, giving it the appearance of being spirally striated. – T. Brown: Illustrations of the fossil conchology of Great Britain and Ireland, London 1849, via BHL.
70-80m deep, Carini gulf, Palermo, NW. Sicilia. 5mm.
Original pictures provided by A. Nappo (IT).

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