Clausinella fasciata (da Costa, 1778)
Norway to Canarias, to Mediterranean. The species can be found on sublittoral grounds, down to shallow shelf.
Original taxon: Petunculus fasciatus.
Málaga, Andalucia, S. Spain. 23mm.
12m deep, on sand, Málaga. 20mm.
10-25m deep, Málaga. 17,3mm.
Venus fasciata in Pereira da Costa & al.: Mollusques tertiaires du Portugal — planches, Lisboa 1903-1904.
Above and below: specimens of English Channel.
In shallow water at low tide, Shell Beach, Herm island, Dependency of Guernsey, Channel islands. 19-21mm.
The species is rare in the English Channel (Dautzenberg, 1897), and more common on the atlantic coasts of Europe, in Ireland and along the western shores of Great Britain. 20mm.
Venus brongniartii is a heavily sculptured variant that is found in the southern part of the range. 30-40m deep, Málaga. 18mm.
30-50m deep, Poetto, Cagliari, S. Sardinia, 11mm.
Variations of Cl. fasciata in Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus: Moll. mar. Roussillon, tome 2, Paris 1887-1888 via BHL.
1. 2. 3. 4. Venus fasciata Da Costa.
5. var. ex f. rudis BDD et ex col. luteola Deshayes.
6. var. ex f. rudis BDD et ex col. zigzag BDD.
7. var. ex f. rudis BDD et ex col. radiata Jeffreys.
8. 9. var. Brongniarti Payraudeau. Corse.
10. 11. var. scalaris Bronn. Marseille.
The species in E. Donovan: The natural history of British shells, vol. V, London 1803, plate CLXX.

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