Astarte fusca (Poli, 1795)
Algarve to Canarias & Mauritania, Mediterranean.
Original taxon: Tellina fusca.
Synonyms: affinis, crenulata, incrassata
30-40m deep, Málaga, Andalucia, S. Spain. 21mm.
« Tumid, thick, of a dark brown, with sometimes obscure radiations outside, paler (but still brown) within ; the concentric ridges are smooth, round, without interstitial spaces, but generally obsolete from the middle to the ventral margin. »   G. B. Sowerby: Thesaurus conchyliorum vol. II, London 1855, via BHL.
A difference with sulcata is given by the concentric sculpture: often absent or only present in the first stages of the shell, and vanishing towards the margin on adult specimens, this sculpture is composed of commarginal beads that become wider with the age, as it is shown on the drawing above.
« Testa cordato-trigona, inferne rotundata, compressa, lutea aut fusca, levi; costis concentricis frequentibus, obsoletis, margine acuto, integro. »   F. J. Cantraine’s description of Astarte affinis in “Diagnoses ou descriptions succinctes de quelques espèces nouvelles de mollusques”, Bulletins de l’Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres de Bruxelles vol.2(11), Brussels 1835, p.399.

160m deep, on muddy sand, off Malta. 14mm.
Original pictures provided by P. Ovalis (GR).
Uncommon pale and rayed specimen from 20-23fm deep, on muddy bottom with shell debris, off Albufeira, Algarve, S. Portugal. 13,2mm.
Above and bellow:
36m deep, San Giovanni Li Cuti, Catania, E. Sicilia. 13mm.
Beaks opistogyrate. Prodissoconches minute, only noticeable by the absence of commarginal sculpture.
50m deep, off Poetto, Cagliari, S. Sardinia. 19mm.
Original pictures provided by I. Mulero (ES).

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