Asperarca nodulosa (O.F. Müller, 1776) |
Norway to Canarias, Azores and atlantic seamounts to Mediterranean. Attached on stones and coldwater corals, on the continental margin slopes, down to bathyal depths (4000m). Occasionally in shallower waters in the north: Shetlands, Norway, Sweden at 15-150fm (Jeffreys, 1868). Original taxon: Arca nodulosa. 500m deep, Capo Carbonara, Cagliari, S. Sardinia. 9mm. |
Synonym: Barbatia scabra Poli. 350m deep, on white coral, Santa Lucia, Livorno, Toscana, W. Italy. 13,3mm. |
Same spot. 12,5mm. On the left, a specimen drawn in the Denmark fauna by Jensen & Spärck, Copenhagen 1934, via BHL: « Shell shape oblong, over twice as long as tall. Umbos in the last quarter. Posterior part far higher than the anterior. Valves with pale, radiant and concentric furrows and dark brownish, hairy periostracum. » |
Juvenile (prodissoconchs still discernible) from 25m deep, in sediments, at the base of a rocky wall between Sapri and Acquafredda, Campanian border, SW. Italy. 2,5mm. |
Subadult from 600m deep, Capo Teulada, SW. of Cagliari, S. Sardinia. 4,7mm. |
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