Amygdalum politum (Verrill & Smith, 1880) |
Amphipanamic, amphiatlantic. North California to Colombia; Caribbean, Florida to N. Brasil; Bay of Biscay & W. Mediterranean to NW. Africa. Found on soft bottoms between 40m and 400m deep (Coan, Valentich Scott & Bernard, 2000). Original taxon: Modiolaria polita. Synonym: lutea. Modiola polita — « Shell thin, translucent, without sculpture ; epidermis pale yellow, smooth and polished. Umbos prominent ; hinge-line straight ; posterior end broadly rounded, compressed ; anterior end prolonged decidedly beyond the beak, narrow, rounded. » – A.E. Verrill: Art XLI in The American Journal of Science, third series, vol. XX, New Haven 1880, via BHL. 200m deep, on sand, Málaga bay, Andalucia, S. Spain. 42mm. |
Modiola lutea Jeffreys, in R. Koehler: “Résultats scientifiques de la campagne du Caudan dans le golfe de Gascogne”. Annales de l’Université de Lyon, Paris 1896, via BHL. |
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