Acar clathrata (Defrance, 1816) |
Mediterranean. Original taxon: Arca clathrata. Synonyms: imbricata, pulchella. The species was described after some fossils in Defrance: “Arche” in Dict. Sci. Nat. tome 2, Strasbourg & Paris, 1816. 40-45m deep, off Cannizzaro, Aci Castello, Catania, E. Sicily. 9mm. |
« Depuis la zone corallienne jusqu’à 555m » (Locard, 1899). Detail of a valve. 25m deep, at base of rocky wall between Sapri and Acquafredda, Campania, SW. Italy. |
« The pretty Ark. Shell ovate, gibbous, sides attenuated at the upper part, anterior very short; white; ornamented with very beautifully fimbriated, prominent, longitudinal laminae; area of the ligament rather wide anteriorly; umbones anterior. […] Hab. Algeria. This species is well distinguished from any yet described by the very beautifully fimbriated longitudinal laminae. » – Reeve: Conchologia iconica vol. II, London 1843. Arca imbricata sensu Poli in G. P. Deshayes: “Hist. Nat. Mollusques vol. I”, Exploration scientifique de l’Algérie, Paris 1844-1867, via BHL. |
36m deep, 36m deep, San Giovanni Li Cuti, Catania, E. Sicilia. 10,2-11,2mm. |
Defrance: « One finds at Saint-Clément, near Angers, and at Nice, an Arch of 20mm width and 11mm length. The striae that covers it longitudinally and transversely are very strongly marked. It has much to do with those that are found in Brocchi’ Conch. Foss. subapp. plate XI, fig. abc, which he named Arca nodulosa, and which is collected at Piacenzia and in the Andona valley; ùbut the striae of the latter are finer. » – J. L. M. Defrance: Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles… tome 2 suppl.1, Strasbourg 1816, p.115-116. Free valves from sediment collected at 55m deep, Ognina area, Catania. 6,7-8,4mm. |
Juvenile from 45m deep, Cannizzaro, Catania. 5,5mm. |
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