Abra prismatica (Montagu, 1808) |
Iceland and Norway to Barents Sea, to Mediterranean. Deposit feeder, in coarse sendiment from the infralittoral (north) down to the continental margin. Original taxon: Ligula prismatica. A synonym is fragilis Risso. Outline elongate, « posterior dorsal margin short, giving beak-like appearance to posterior, anterior dorsal margin long, almost straight to rounded anterior margin. » (MBSBI). Beaks opistogyrate. – 50m deep, Poetto, Cagliari, S. Sardinia. 7,7mm. |
Microsculpture made of thin growth lines. Same spot. 10mm. |
30m deep, in front of Sustipan park, Split, S. Croatia. 13mm. Original pictures provided by N. Lete (HR). – (CC BY-NC-SA) – |
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