Abra nitida (O. F. Müller, 1776)
S. Iceland & Norway to W. Morocco & Mediterranean.
Original taxon: Mya nitida. Synonyms: intermedia, philippiana, tenuis. Sublittoral to edge of continental shelf.
Testa ovali alba, laevi, dente obtuso in utroque cardine.
Above, a specimen from 180m deep, off Blitvenica islet, east of Žirje island, Šibenic archipelago, Dalmatia, Croatia. 8mm. Original pictures provided by N. Lete (HR).
Beaks almost central; umbones rather pointed.
The shell is less oblong than in prismatica.
Above and below: 60m deep, Sunmartin, SE. extremity of Brač island, Split-Dalmatia Comitat, S. Croatia. 7,6mm.
Original pictures provided by R. Stanić (HR).
The hinge and the internal sculpture, typical of the genus.
Valves of juvenile specimens are common in the sediments of Hvar channel, Split-Dalmatia Comitat, S. Croatia. 80m deep. Size of this right valve: 4,2mm.

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