Shells minute, translucent-white, with convex whorls, sometimes some spiral sculpture… « The Trochaclididae are a group of marine gastropods with small, rather undistinguished shells, yet with radular teeth that are extremely distinctive in having repeatedly divided tips. Most of the few species that have been taken alive were living in cavities of glass sponges (Porifera: Hexactinellida) or occurred loose in dredge samples that included these sponges or abundant spicules. […] Shell turbiniform, 1.30-ca .9mm in maximum dimension. Marginal teeth very slender, tips repeatedly divided. Central and lateral teeth short and scalelike (Acremodontina), or similar to marginals (Trochaclis, Acremodonta). Edge of oral disc (Acremodonta) set with dendritic papillae, operculum chitinous. » – B. A. Marshall: “Recent and Tertiary Trochaclididae from the southwest Pacific”, The veliger vol.38(2), Berkeley 1995, p.92. |
Trochaclis Thiele, 1912:« Shell turbiniform, up to about 2.00mm wide, narrowly umbilicate or anomphalous, white. Interior surface set with scattered platelets, presumably aragonite, and representing vestigial nacreous layer. Protoconch of less than one whorl, sculptured with fine network of crisp threads that enclose irregularly polygonal spaces, tip of apical fold pinched. Teleoconch whorls convex, a rounded varix early on first whorl, with or without shoulder angulation on first one or two whorls or (one species) with shoulder and peripheral keel on all whorls, with or without few basal spiral threads. » – B. A. Marshall: op. cit. p.93. |