Volvarina mitrella (Risso, 1826)
Algarve to Morocco, Mediterranean.
Predator in the infralittoral and the circalittoral.
Original taxon: Voluta mitrella.
10m deep, in sand, Molinar, Palma, SW. coast of Mallorca, Baleares. 9mm.
Beachstormed, Lido de Noto, south of Siracusa, SE. Sicilia. Original pictures provided by S. Ferrario (IT).
« Shell very smooth and shiny, translucent, yellow, surrounded by a russet band; four whorls of spirre; the suture is not very distinct; the peritreme with four folds on the left, and simple on the right side. » – A. Risso: Histoire naturelle… vol. IV, Paris 1826, p.250. Above: the shell on plate X, fig.143.
Specimens under influence of anoxic environments often show some false melanism. – 30m deep, off Poetto, Cagliari, S. Sardinia. 7,5mm.

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