Trophonopsis sparacioi
Smriglio, Mariottini & Di Giulio, 2015
Central Tyrrhenian Sea, southern Adriatic.
Predator in bathyal depths (deep-sea coral banks).
« Shell of small size for the genus […], fusiform, elongate, with high spire and siphonal canal open and moderately long, last whorl about three quarter of entire shell length. Protoconch paucispiral, with […] 1.5 rounded whorls, ornamented with narrow, irregular spiral threads. Teleoconch with 3.5 whorls, axial sculpture consisting of 11 lamellate ribs, slightly spiny at the shoulder. Infrasutural ramp without cords (cords 1 and 2 absent), convex part of the last whorl with 6 primary cords (cords 3-8). Aperture small, ovate with a thin, knife-edge outer lip, to some extent undulate. Columellar lip narrow, smooth and adherent. Siphonal canal narrow, with evident growth ridges. Shell uniformly white or greyish-white, vitreous. Operculum corneous, ovoid, planispiral with lateral nucleus. » – Smriglio, Mariottini & Di Giulio: “Description of a new species of the genus Trophonopsis Bucquoy & Dautzenberg, 1882 (Gastropoda Muricidae Pagodulinae) from the Mediterranean Sea”, Biodiversity Journal vol.6(1), Palermo 2015, p.443.

Above: 600m deep, southern Adriatic. 4,55mm.
Original pictures provided by R. Stanić (HR).
The shell of this species differs from those of the other small-sized members of the genus in the area, « mainly for its small size and shell sculpture. Only T. alboranensis has similar dimensions, but this species shows a totally different shell sculpture consisting of nodulose axial ribs with a higher number of spiral cords […]. Trophonopsis barvicensis possesses both protoconch and teleoconch of bigger size and its shell sculpture shows less axial ribs and spiral cords, also less spiny at intersections […]. Trophonopsis sparacioi n. sp. clearly differs from T. breviatus in many respects, the latter having a more convex shell outline, being less sculptured, and having a bigger protoconch. » – OP. cit. p.446-447.

Holotype MNHN-IM-2000-27897 at the Museum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris (France): « Central Tyrrhenian Sea, off coasts of Latium, 500/600m ». 5,6mm. Original pictures provided by M. Caballer for the MNHN – (CC BY).
Derivation nominis: « This species is dedicated to Ignazio Sparacio (Palermo, Italy), for his great contribution to scientific research and his editorial work for the biodiversity of the Mediterranean region. » – Ibid.

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