Tricolia landinii Bogi & Campani, 2007
Original distribution: Messina Strait. Lives among photophilous algae, in littoral area. Grazer. This Tricolia was named after Fabio Landini « who was also studying this species in the last days of his life. » (Bogi & Campani).
According to the author Enzo Campani, distinctive features can be summed up as follows: • Protoconch almost smooth and flat, not protruding out of the first whorl, which also is flat, as if the whole shell had a flattened top. •• Wide periumbilical area, generally tinted with brown; umbilicus quite reduced. ••• Two rows of alternating white and brown spots: one just below the suture, the second just above the whorl periphery. – 2m deep, in Cystoceira, Scilla, Calabria, SW. Italy. 1mm.

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