Tricolia deschampsi Gofas, 1993
W. Morocco to W. Mediterranean.
Lives among photophilous algae from subtidal grounds down to 40m deep. Grazer. « The shells dredged in deeper water are transported. » – S. Gofas: “Notes on some Ibero-Moroccan and Mediterranean Tricolia with description of new species”, Journal of Molluscan Studies (1993), 59, p.355.
« Aperture broad, rounded. Outer lip and growth lines showing three shallow sinuosities. […] When only shells are available,T. deschampsi may be recognized by the shallow subsutural sinuosity of the outer lip. »

50m deep, Scilla, Reggio-Calabria, SW. Italy. 1mm.
« Umbilical chink very narrow, bordered by a sharp, white keel. […] Protoconch opaque white. Colour pattern of teleoconch whorls with usually pink (occasionally brown) lines, on a translucent background, and opaque white areas. Pink lines sharp and narrow, arranged more or less parallel to the growth lines. A narrow white surface with wavy contour around the umbilicus, a series of opaque white patches on the periphery of the body whorl. Irregular white areas extending over large surfaces on some specimens. » – The pink lines, in this description, follow the growth striae, while they cross them obliquely in entomocheila.

Intertidal, Punta del Carnero, Algeciras, Andalucia, S. Spain. 0,8mm.
Same spot. Size circa 1,25mm.

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