(?)Theodoxus valentinus (Graells, 1846)
Spain, endemic to València region (riu dels Sants area). Extinct.
Original taxon: Neritina valentina.
The shell differs from that of meridionalis by its spire, always high, and by its two bulgy keels that cover the whole surface of the last whorl. The apex, globose, prominent, and the fat columellar callus recall those of the moroccan poppei. Sculpture: numerous prosocline commarginal growth marks.

Venta del Conde, Xátiva, València, SE. Spain. 9mm.
In fact, this group is very close, morphologically, to a certain form of meridionalis “guadianensis” such as this one below…
Guadiana river bank, Alcoutim, Faro, Algarve, S. Portugal. 10,1mm. We can consider a possible link between valentinus and meridionalis.
Same spot. 9,25mm.
Notice the prosocline microsculpture.

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