Theodoxus peloponensis (Récluz, 1841)
Central Greece, including Évvia.
Grazer, on stones and rocks in freshwater streams.
Original taxon: Nerita peloponensis.
The replacement name given by Récluz refers to the Neritina baetica of Deshayes, 1835 (not that of Lamarck, 1822), which is described by the drawings reproduced above (source Gallica), and by a sentence of little use: « It is subglobose, rather thick, of a shiny black, usually without blotch, sometimes provided with a little number of white dots; its summit is usually eroded, as it happens in most of the freshwater shells. » – (item 213, p.155 of the Molluscs).
A blackish specimen from Aréthousa Spring, south of Áyos Stéfanos chapel on the eastern shore of the eponymous bay, south of Chalkída, western Évvia. 5,3mm.
The back of this dark shell (at right) has less black than on the other sides, and shows an abrupt transition to a dotted pattern similar to that of the smaller specimen at left (4,5mm).
Another image of the 4,5mm specimen from Aréthousa. Operculum darker than in fluviatilis, with a pronounced reddish labial margin. Externally, the shell of this species looks like that of some fluviatilis or baeticus, but a little more globose. A view of the pseudoapophysis would be useful.

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