Tenagodus obtusus (Schumacher, 1817)
Angola to Algarve, Cabo Verde to Mediterranean.
Infralittoral to continental margin.
Lives inside the body of sponges such as Holoxea furtiva Topsent, 1892. Original taxon: Anguinaria obtusa.
50m deep, off Almería, Andalucia, S. Spain. 24mm.
Generic characters of Anguinaria: « The origin convoluted in a spire; the spire almost regular, but becoming cylindrical and twisted, divided laterally by a longitudinal slit; the slit serrated. Aperture orbicular, open. » (C. F. Schumacher: Essai d’un nouveau système des habitations des vers testacés, Copenhagen 1817, p.262. Specific characters: « The surface slightly streaked. »

Bacoli, Campania, Napoli, W. Italy. 24mm.
Comparison between Siliquaria obtusa (15-16) and Siliquaria anguina Linné (23-25) in G. W. Tryon: Manual of conchology, structural and systematic 1-VIII, Philadelphia 1886, pl. 57-58.
S. obtusa: « Shell elongated, whorls large, spirally rather finely lirated, smoother on the umbilical face, thickened on the outside and transversely fissured ; spiral slit simple, frequently closed towards the apex. Mediterranean Sea. It is S. anguina of Phil., Sowb., etc., but not of Linnaeus. There are Vars. rosea, Montr., and costae, Cantraine. »
85m deep, Iskenderun Körfezi, SE. Turkey. 15mm.
Same area, at 100m deep. 10,8mm.
The early whorls are almost smooth.
A large specimen fished off the Cap Ferrat, displayed at the Musée des coquilllages (Association SOS Grand Bleu), Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, Alpes-Maritimes, SE. France.
Adult specimen from 400m deep, “Fondaletto” fishing area, Fossa del Pomo, mid Adriatic. 114,7mm.
Source: gruppomalacologicoscalaria.org.
Original pictures provided by A. Nappo (IT).
Unlike some indo-pacific members of the genus, the slit is always smooth. This is the reason why Mörch places this species in the section B of his work: « Rima simplex; apex plerumque haliotoideus; primus fissuram nulla habet. » (O. A. L. Mörch: “Review of the genus Tenagodus Guettard”, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London vol. 28, London 1860 (1861), p.407).
« Protoconch: formed by two whorls (height 300µm, width 210µm), yellow-beige, planktotrophic; last whorl sculptured near the suture by small pustules; about four spiral ridges on the lateral-basal side, created by a regular sequence of pustules. » – S. Schiaparelli: “Taxonomy of the family Siliquariidae (Mollusca, Caenogastropoda) in Eastern Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea”, Italian Journal of Zoology vol. 69, 2002, p.247.

Above: specimens collected in sponges at 90-100m deep, Vado Ligure, Savona, NW. Italy. 41,7-61,4mm.
The protoconch in a preserved specimen.
Original picture provided by B. Cunningham aparicio (ES).

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