Steromphala racketti (Payraudeau, 1826)
Abundant in some sparse places of Mediterranean.
Grazer and deposit feeder in the shallow infralittoral.
Original taxon: Trochus racketti.
Synonyms: gibbosula, pseudotumida, pygmaea.
Shallow water on rocks, Bajo Piedras, Málaga, Andalucia, S. Spain. 6mm.
Variants albidoconica, aperta, depressula, pervia…
2m deep, under stones, Mijas, Málaga. 6,5mm.
« Testâ parvâ, conicâ, umbilicatâ, transversìm striatâ, albo-virescente ; anfractibus quaternis, convexis, lineis obliquis parvulis rufis pictis, suprà suturas latioribus; spirâ obtusâ; umbilico angusto; aperturâ albâ. […] It is olive-white with russet spots on the sutures; these spots are finer and in an oblique direction on the middle of the whorls; the aperture is white and the umbilicus a little convoluted. Dedicated to Mr. Rackett, English conchyliologist. » – B. C. Payraudeau: Catalogue descriptif et méthodique des Annelides et des Mollusques de l’île de Corse, Paris 1826, p.128.

Specimens from La Goulette, Tunisia. 3,3-4,1mm.
Original pictures provided by M. Antit for WoRMS
– (CC BY-NC-SA) –
Syntype MNHN-IM-2000-28252 from the collection Payraudeau in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris (France). « Valinco (Corsica). Very rare. » Original pictures provided by M. Caballer for the MNHN – (CC BY).
A specimen with the same set of colours, from 2m deep, on Posidonia, Baccu Mandara, east of Cagliari, S. Sardinia. 3,6mm. Original pictures provided by A. Nappo (IT).
Shallow water, on Posidonia leaves, La Ahozía, Murcia, SE. Spain. 5,2-5,4mm.
Juvenile from shallow water, Vignola Bay, Marina di Davia, Corbara, NW. Corsica. 2mm.

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