Sinezona cingulata (O. G. Costa, 1861) |
Tropical amphiatlantic, Mediterranean. Grazer and deposit feeder in the infralittoral-circalittoral. Original taxon: Scissurella cingulata. Synonyms: crossei, depressa, fayalensis. 25m deep, Taormina, Messina Strait, SW. Italy. 1mm. |
« Shell poorly depressed, with 3 whorls of spire, all regularly adorned with very narrow and distinct transverse cords, at the number of 11 to 12 for each whorl of the spire. On the third and last whorl, a relief is generated in the dorsal part and near the outer lip, in the middle of which appears the rim or fissure. On the lower face there is a large umbilicus, and the columellar or internal lip extends transversely in a straight line. The aperture is therefore semi-oval. Like the previous one, it comes from the coralligenous bottoms of the island of Sardinia. » – O. G. Costa: Microdoride mediterranea, Napoli 1861, p.61. Above: subadult specimen plate XII fig.9. |
Schismope fayalensis in Ph. Dautzenberg: Contribution à la faune malacologique des Iles Açores, Monaco 1889, plate IV. « Shell rather solid, subpellucid; spire depressed, composed of three whorls flattened at their upper part, then convex. Last whorl proportionally very large, crossed a little above the periphery by a hollow decurrent groove, trimmed with arched slats, bordered on each side and terminated by a pyriform foramen whose tip is directed anteriorly. This foramen is situated at a considerable distance from the labrum. In addition, on the penultimate whorl and on a part of the latter, there are some longitudinal projecting, spaced, arched ribs; finally, the whole surface of the test appears covered, under a rather high magnification, of decurrent fine and wavy striations. Umbilicus wide, open but shallow. Aperture oval, slightly oblique. Columella faintly arched. Labrum simple, sinuous. Coloration subhyalin white. » – Op. cit. p.65. |
Schismope cingulata in G. W. Tryon: Manual of conchology, structural and systematic series I, vol. XII, Philadelphia 1890, plate LVII fig.1-7. « Shell extremely minute, globose-turbinate, white, fragile, thin; spire very short and obtuse; whorls 3, very convex, rapidly increasing, sculptured with distant elevated radiating lamellae; the last whorl very large, globose, with longitudinal rather distant lamellae, the interstices decussated by numerous very fine growth lines and spiral lirulae; anal fasciole commencing on the last whorl opposite the aperture, terminating in a long, narrow slit which does not attain the edge of the peristome; its margins elevated, irregular, lamellar; aperture ovate, narrower above. » – Op. cit. p.61. |
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