Retusa minutissima (Monterosato, 1878)
Central Mediterranean to Guinea.
Predator in the infralittoral and the circalittoral.
Original taxon: Utriculus minutissimus.
The shell can bear a very variable top, « with a spire ranging from protruding to sunken within an apical umbilicus » (Crocetta & Tringali, 2015, after Oliveiro & Tringali, 2001). Monterosato notes: « apice depresso » about Jeffrey’s Utriculus obtusus var. “minor”, from which he extracts the present species.

Beached, Leucate, Occitania, S. France. 1,2mm.
Original pictures provided by S. Clanzig (FR).
Adult (1,3mm) found at about 1,8m deep inside sediment, and youngsters (0,8mm) found ≈ 2m below, 17m deep, Prokljan Lake, Šibenik-Knin Comitat, W. Croatia.
Subadult (1,03mm) minutissima (left) compared to juvenile (0,97mm) truncatula (right) from the same spot.

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