Pyrgulina maiae
Hornung & Mermod, 1924
Red Sea; eastern Mediterranean.
Ectoparasit in the infralittoral.
« Shell very small (2,5mm), pupiform, stocky. Test solid, hyaline. Protoconch ? (broken). Sutures well marked, crenated by the costae. Surface adorned with thick axial costae (particularly near the suture) straight on the last two whorls, slightly flexuous on the post-larval whorls, and extending up to the end of the base. The interspaces, of about the same width than the axials, are conspicuously traversed by approximately 15 spiral threads. Last whorl very imortant, of more than the half of the total height. » – Hornung & Mermod: “Mollusques de la Mer Rouge recueillis par A. Issel faisant partie des collections du Musée Civique d’Histoire Naturelle de Gênes. Première partie, Pyramidellides”, Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Giacomo Doria vol. 51, Genova 1923-1925, p.296-297. – Above: the species in Hornung & Mermod, p.297.
« Columella arcuate, with a rather marked fold. […] Habitat: Massawa, in 30m deep. » – Ibid. Above: a subadult specimen from SE. Aegean. 8m deep, Bodrum, Muğla Province, SW. Turkey. 1,9mm.
A specimen from Malta. Like many other stations in the Mediteranean, such as Pyraeus, Kaloí Liménes, Sfax, Tripoli or Iskenderun, Malta is nowadays a spot where worldwide cargo ships release in the sea, by their ballasts, many free swimming larvae collected in the most distant commercial ports.

St. Georges Bay, Birżebbuġa, SE. Malta. 2,5mm.

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