Pusillina inconspicua (Alder, 1844) |
Norway to Azores, to Mediterranean. Grazer and detritus feeder from shallow water down to at least the upper circalittoral. Original taxon: Rissoa inconspicua. Synonyms: consimilis, densa, diversa… Above and below: 100m deep, Saronic Gulf, SE. Greece. 2mm. |
« Shell ovate-conical, shining, transparent, yellowish white, with a few blotches of pale fulvous brown occasionally forming two or three rows of spots on the body whorl… » – J. Adler: “Descriptions of some new British species of Rissoa and Odostomia”, The Annals and magazine of natural history vol. XIII, 85, art. XXXVIII, London 1844, via BHL. |
« …Whorls five or six, not much rounded, terminating in a rather fine point, which is tipped with purple : the upper whorls smooth ; the penultimate and half of the last whorls generally marked with numerous very delicate and faint ribs or plicae, about thirty in number, the bases of which are crossed on the body whorl by a few faint spiral striae, giving that part a reticulate appearance… » – op. cit. Possible specimen collected at 18m deep in a submarine cave near Porto Badisco, Lecce, Puglia, S. Italy. 1,6mm. Original pictures provided by S. Clanzig (FR). – (CC BY-NC-SA) – |
Rissoa inconspicua (6 & 7) in Adler, via BHL. |
The radial costae can be weakly marked to very strong. 12m deep, in sand, Vignola bay, Marina di Davia, Corbara, NW. Corsica. 1,7mm. |
Weak radials. 10m deep, Saronic Gulf. 1,6mm. |
No radials. Rochelongue beach, Agde, Hérault, Occitania, S. France. 2,8mm. |
The shell can be white to brownish, with or without some purple on the apex. The first whorls can bear some red-brown opisthocline subsutural bands. – On beach, Port-la-Nouvelle, Aude, Occitania, S. France. A. Bertrand legit (FR). 2,3mm. |
In contrast to the previous shell, this one shows dense colours and sculpture. 55m deep, Saronic Gulf. 2,4mm. |
A slender specimen from 80m deep, Saronic Gulf. 2,6mm. |
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