Pseudofusus parvulus
(Monterosato, 1884)
Mediterranean, especially in the central part but also in Aegean. Predator in the infralittoral.
Original taxon: Pseudofusus parvulus.
The shell is close to that of buzzurroi but it is more slender, has more radial costae, less convex whorls and its colour is uniform. It differs from clarae and corallinus by the less marked spiral threads, the reduced canal and a smaller size; from rusticulus by the less carinated whorls; from cretellai or labronicus by the lack of spiral pattern. – Aci Trezza, Aci Castello, Catania, E. Sicily. 11mm.
Details of the protoconch and of the commarginal growth marks and microstriae.
A young specimen from 45m deep, Cannizzaro, Catania. 8,3mm.
A specimen collected on sand in Malta. 16mm.
Original pictures provided by R. Shead (MT).
5m deep, under rock, Tertenia, Nuoro, SE. Sardinia. 12mm.
An unusual specimen with a long tail, from 5m deep, under rock, Poetto, Cagliari, S. Sardinia. 18mm.

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