Pisinna glabrata (von Mühlfeld, 1824)
Azores to Mediterranean, to Canarias.
Introduced in Brittany.
Grazer and detritus feeder.
Original taxon: Helix glabrata.
Synonyms: punctulum, sabulum
Epifaunal of some brown algae in the upper infralittoral. Recently, a new feeding behaviour has been noticed, implying detritus of Caulerpa racemosa (Forsskål) Agardh.

Playa de Cap Ras, Llançà, Girona, Catalunya, NE. Spain.
A species rather constant in all its characteristics.
Cap Ras, Llançà, NE. Catalunya, NE. Spain. 1,4mm.
3-6m deep, near small Posidonia patches in rough sand pockets near the shore, SW. end of Ghjunchitu Bay, Isola Rossa, NW. Corsica. 1,5mm.
Specimens from Playa de Cap Ras, Llançà. 1-1,5mm.
Le Scole, south of the harbour, Isola del Giglio, Toscana, W. Italy. 1,3mm.
Notice the spiral rows of minute buttons that run on the surface of the protoconch, and the subsutural bead that appears from the very first whorl of the teleoconch.

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