Phorcus richardi (Payraudeau, 1826)
Grazer and deposit feeder on rocks in shallow infralittoral.
Original taxon: Monodonta richardi.
1-2m deep, on rocks, under the Castle, Cassis, Provence, S. France. 12-15mm.
A synonym is margaritaceus Risso.
Umbilicus open, surrounded by a white area.
Intertidal on rocks, San Carlos de la Rapita, Catalunya, NE. Spain. 14-15mm.
« Shell of orbicular form, depressed; composed of four whorls, the last very dilated; finely streaked in length, with ashy and wavy lines in the same direction, not very apparent in some individuals; marked with yellow or reddish dots distributed by transverse series; umbilicus wide; aperture nacreous in the deepest part with shades of purple and greenish, white on the edge and surrounded by a narrow brown line. […] Dedicated to Mr. Richard, a member of the Philomatic Society and an associate at the Faculty of Medicine of Paris. » – B. C. Payraudeau: Catalogue descriptif et méthodique des annelides et des mollusques de l’île de Corse, Paris 1826, p.138. – Splash zone, promontory of Piombino, Livorno, Toscana, W. Italy. 11-11,5mm.
On shallow rocks, El Forat (al Fourat), Paulilles, Port-Vendres, Eastern Pyrenees, S. France. 12,5mm.
1m deep, under rock, Poetto, Cagliari, S. Sardinia. 17mm.
The base can be extremely concave around the umbilicus, wich is often rather wide. 2-3m deep, under rocks, Estepona, Málaga, Andalucia, S. Spain. 21mm.

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