Jujubinus striatus delpreteanus
Sulliotti, 1889
Faro lagoon, Messina area, NE. Sicilia.
Suulliotti said he found this species in abundance. But, as it lives only in these lagoon, delpreteanus can be considered as seriously endangered. Sulliotti: « I've never found it anywhere else. My shell is tenuous and light (1), bluish-black or reddish-black in colour, conical, with a shiny horny acute apex, and with a somewhat convex base; whorls 6 regularly growing except the last two, which develop more quickly; the ultimate, oblique and descending, is marked by a slight keel which disappears before reaching the lip, so that it does not alter the shape of the aperture which is almost round; columella white, relatively robust, and twisted in such a way that in some specimens it seems almost bent. The entire shell is slightly furrowed in the direction of the coil; the furrows are more marked at the base. Observed by transparency, the shell is yellowish, decorated with very thick square dots, of a dull-red colour, arranged in equidistant linear series; in some wrecked specimens this is also the coloration that can be observed externally. » – G. R. Sulliotti: “Comunicazioni malacologiche. Articolo primo”, Bullettino della Società Malacologica Italiana vol. 14, Pisa 1889, p. 28 via BHL.

Above and below: a specimen collected in the Faro lake of Messina. 6,4mm. Original pictures provided by A. Nappo (IT).
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Footnote (1): « The character of tenuity and consequent lightness has in my opinion a very relative value, being common to all the species that live in the Pantano piccolo of Faro lagoon and in that of Ganzirri; which species, compared with the identical ones living in the nearby Strait, present a shabby aspect. In the two marshes, although the water is very rich, as far as I have been able to observe, in calcareous substances, and although in communication with the Strait, it is also very little agitated, and it is obvious to observe that the provident nature endows the species more exposed to the impetus of frequent storms. » – Ibid.

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