Jujubinus eleonorae
Smriglio, Di Giulio & Mariottini, 2014
Canale di Sicilia.
Grazer and deposit feeder, at least in the infralittoral.
The species belong to the curinii complex. The shell is similar to that of curinii but with marked spiral cords and very weak prosocline striae; nota bene that the spirals may be slightly undulating, and run by pairs (4 pairs per teleoconch whorl). The suture is shallow, as in alboranensis but with a less noticeable subsutural ramp. Finally, the pair of cords located just above the suture is very developed. Colours: the same as in alboransensis or trilloi, with a tendancy to show some red near the apex; however, the rest of the shell may be somtimes orangeish, as in the picture above. Source: Smriglio, Di Giulio & Mariottini: “Description of two new Jujubinus species (Gastropoda: Trochidae) from the Sicily Channel, with notes on the Jujubinus curinii species complex”, Zootaxa 3815(4), p.584.

Above: holotype MNHN-IM-2000-25883 in the collection of the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris. 37m deep, Skerki Banks, Sicily Channel. 5,7mm. Original pictures provided by M. Caballer for the MNHN – (CC BY).

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